
We Love Reading


Dear Residents of Forest View,
At Childers State School, we love to read! We thought that we could share our love for reading with you by making these book marks for you to use. We have been learning all about Australia and things that make our country special. We learned that the Australian Coat of Arms has a kangaroo and an emu on it because these animals cannot walk backwards-they can only go forwards like our motto “Advance Australia.”
We had lots of fun with the stitching. The needles that we used were not too sharp but some children still managed to sew them to their uniforms! It was tricky at first but we became better with the more practise we had. This Valentine’s Day, we decided to share the love with other members of our community as well as our own families. We hope you like them and get to read lots of books and use them. Wishing you a happy Valentine’s Day at Forest View. We hope to visit you one day.
With Lots and Lots of Love,
From Year One and Two at Childers State School.

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Last reviewed 23 February 2024
Last updated 23 February 2024